Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Competition?

We find ourselves sandwiched between homes that are definitely vying for the neighborhood association Christmas decoration award. Last year the above house won an honorable mention. I think they have added the deer and a few more swags this year in hopes of actually winning. The house on the top has this great train set up in addition to all the lights. Their five year old son must love it.
This creates a dilemma for me. I would like to do a few lights, but anything we do will look pretty tacky compared to our neighbors. So then I swing to the other side and think, "Why do anything at all?" Other than that I would like to do something.
I'm trying to go for simple elegance; minimalism at its best. I put a few trees on the front porch today and hope to do luminaries tomorrow. I'll see how far I get and how it looks.
I'll post a picture of our home when I'm all done. You can send in your votes when I'm done.

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